Attitude determines altitude . Dr. Victor Frankl witnessed many of his close family members being killed in gas chambers . What a horrible moment for any human being. On a daily he could see people who lost hope in living due to harsh circumstances . He notes that a person who is devoid of hope is likely to die. Hope is a key concept in life and in building our financial lives. As a financial literacy trainer I have interacted with very many people who have various views about money. I can attest that I have met some trainees who have a positive attitude towards life and are taking meaningful initiatives towards altering their finances. I have also met some trainees who have intentionally focused on sabotaging their financial lives. To them they feel the battle is already lost yet they are still alive.
The role of a coach is to challenge a client's assumptions. The dominant beliefs that we hold determine the actions that we take in life. The question is why should we give up on improving our finances yet there are so many opportunities to do so? Did we know that each and every person has a unique financial blue print? This is emphasized by Harv Eker in his book called Secrets of A Millionaire Mind. He also notes that rich and successful people think long term. These statements have the potential to change our finances. In his book called Think And Grow Rich: A Black Choice, Dr. Dennis Kimbro gives various examples of black Americans who started their lives from a disadvantage and today are wealthy. These include Oprah Winfrey who is one of the wealthiest women in the world. What about Dr. Ben Carson who was always the last in class and today he is one of the most successful neurosurgeons in the the world. These examples show us that our past and current circumstances should not define our financial status. Our financial status should be defined by the size of our thinking.
Most of the leading financial coaches place a lot of attention on thoughts. This is because what we focus on expands. We should focus on building our minds so that we can make wise financial decisions. We are living in a generation that is skewed to making quick financial decisions and in this way we are bound to make financial mistakes. This is one of the reasons for the growth of the gambling industry. A few years back I saw on a certain media channel a group of youths who wanted to beat up staff of a sports betting company for failure to pay their return on investment. We have a generation of youths who are focused on selling land and buy boda bodas in the already congested Kampala.
Today the role models of most youths are those people who sprout overnight and do not have tested financial literacy principles that define their success. Today there are so many youths whose sole focus is on acquiring money without taking time to develop sustainable money habits. I have never seen a storied building that is built in a month. However today we have many youths who want to buy the latest cars in a short period of time. A number of youths detest long-term capacity building plans and prefer to be given handouts for daily survival. That is why when some youths are invited for financial literacy trainings they put demands for transport allowance.
Thus to change the attitudes of the masses towards financial freedom. It can not be an overnight effort. Collaborative and concerted efforts must be made to ensure that each Ugandan has access to financial literacy training.
1.Have a long term financial vision
2.Set clear financial goals
3.Seek financial mentorship
4.Save as you earn
5.Have a curious mindset
6.Live within your means
7.Set up an emergency fund
8.Join a financial mentorship
Attitude determines altitude. Rich and successful people understand this secret and no wonder they do their best to control their attitude towards finances.
Phillip Kiryowa
Personal Finance Coach(CPC,CMA)
Advanced Empowerment Link
+256752615916(For consultations)
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