We all want to be successful in life. This is a noble aspiration. The major question that I am posing is who determines your success? It seems success is relative. A wrong definition of success leads to wastage of potential. Last year there were two youths who gunned down a prominent business man and they were netted by the locals. These youths ended a life . Is this success? We are living at odd times where success is measured in most cases by material increase. We are living in a generation that wants more every second. A recent university graduate wants to build a house in a month. A university graduate cheats their way into a good degree.
What is success? Success is relative and unique and there is no universal answer. One definition that captivates me is that success is the gradual realization of a worthy goal. This means even if one is not a billionaire he or she has the potential to be successful. However we are living at odd times where if one does not have a lot of money he or she will not be recognized by the masses. The tendency to describe people by what they have has led to social pressure and competition. In real life collaboration is key but when society starts to define people by what they have achieved the story changes.
Very many people have a lot of potential but they have a wrong definition of success. A few years back there was a brilliant young man who had a lot of potential. Unfortunately he joined wrong groups and he started taking alcohol. Within a few years he was dead. In a nation where over 70% of the population is below 30 years, their definition of success tends to be premised on wrong parameters. For most of them a person without a lot of money is not successful. This leads to loss of self esteem and creativity.
1.It starts with a close relationship with God
2.Seek a good mentor
3.Set clear goals
4.Have a positive attitude
5.Act on your dreams
6.Have a global perspective
7.Define your own success
8.Think long term
8.Have a financial plan
Success is defined differently by different people. This is why it is misleading. It is important to have the right definition of success so that we lead authentic lives.
Phillip Kiryowa
Personal Finance Coach
Advanced Empowerment Link
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