Everyone desires financial advancement. A number of people have various approaches on how to improve their finances. However the dominant voices that I have heard relate to activities of making money instead of planning on how to create wealth. We all know that when a storied building is being built a lot of attention is placed on the foundation. Those buildings which are haphazardly built collapse in a short time. In the process of building wealth a number of people neglect the process of building healthy financial habits and they regard them as a "waste" of time yet these are very critical steps in building a sustainable financial base.
A lot of literature has been written about the role of mindset in enabling a person to build their wealth. Unfortunately a number of people neglect this process. Harv Eker in his book Secrets of A Millionaire Mind noted that rich and successful people think long term. It means that they do not focus on their current circumstances. As a Financial Literacy Trainer I have been privileged to train people who had lost hope in revamping their financial lives and today they are doing well. This means that there is a seed of greatness inside each one of us. We should not allow our past failures to define us. So many great achievers were scorned in society but they did not give on pursuing their goals. A case in point was Colonel Sanders who discovered a chicken recipe and sold it to various companies but they rejected it. However he never gave up on his dream. Today KFC is a multinational company in over 100 countries. Oprah Winfrey was born in a humble family but had dreams of becoming a great person in the world and it happened. She is one of the wealthiest women in the world.
Today we have youths who have placed their faith in gambling and get rich schemes. Some university students divert tuition into betting with the hopes of making quick money. A few years back I saw on television an group of youths who wanted to beat up staff of a sports betting company for failing to pay their returns. So the dominant belief among these youths was that if they invested in sports betting they would get quick returns. I have heard of stories of people who pledge their cars and homes with casinos.
The above show us that careful attention must be placed on building a strong foundation for secure financial future.
1.Have a long term financial vision
2.Develop clear financial goals
3.Live within your means
4.Seek financial mentorship
5.Research before you invest
6.Save as you earn
7.Celebrate small wins.
Financial advancement is possible and it is for everyone. However we need to invest in ourselves so as to make meaningful changes towards our financial journey.
Phillip Kiryowa
Personal Finance Coach(CPC, CMA)
Advanced Empowerment Link
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