Humans are goal seeking creatures. Let me give you an example. Have you ever woken up and you have no clear aim in life? Without goals we have no energy to push on. We only survive but not thrive. Goals give us clarity on where we are to go and we become inspired to take action. Goals are not a magic bullet to success but they play a critical role on the road to success. Without a clear aim life is frustrating. Brian Tracy noted that only 4% of adults have clearly written down goals. Isn't that a scary statistic?
I have personally seen the power of writing down goals. It is a transformative experience. It focuses us more than ever before. When we are goal oriented we tend to use our time more effectively. I have seen some youths who are able bodied but lack clear direction in life. In the end they join bad groups not because they want but because they lack clear goals. Many peoples' lives have been changed after the simple process of setting goals. Goals enable us to focus on what is important in life. In life there are so many alternative some of which may not be useful for us. It is the practice of setting goals that enables us to focus on what is important.
Goals enable us to become more productive than before. A number of people before setting up meaningful goals were simply existing but when they formulated clear and meaningful goals they became pace setters in society. There is something that happens when the mind has a clear idea. One who used to misuse their funds is forced to reexamine their financial habits.
Goals enable us to learn from our past mistakes and forge the way forward. We all make or have potential to make financial mistakes. What can make a difference is making a realistic analysis of where we are and making strategies on how to improve going forward. That can not be done without clarity. When we are unclear about our direction no one will support us. But when we become clear by setting up meaningful goals we shall be motivated to do positive things that will change our lives.
Did we know that setting up a budget is a goal setting process. Without a budget we are likely to waste our money on unplanned ventures and that is a straight path to financial ruin. With a clear budget we are bound to make wise financial decisions and cut back on our spending patterns,
1.It starts with having a clear vision and purpose
2.Write down the goals
3. Dare to dream
4.Break down the goals
5. Identify the role models
6.Have a journal
7. Have a budget
8.Get accountability partners
Goal setting is a powerful tool that is used by the most successful people in the world. Did we know that company executives are guided by to do lists. If that is the case then it is worth it to set meaningful goals in our lives.
Phillip Kiryowa
Personal Finance Coach
Advanced Empowerment Link
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