As strange as it sounds our expectations play an important role in defining what we achieve. We are products of our thoughts. The moment we put a lot of attention on negative expectations it does not matter how skilled you are but we might get negative results. There is a young girl called Grace Nanyonga who did not have school fees at university but decided to start selling fish as a way of getting tuition. She was laughed at and her course mates branded her "the fish girl". Out of her passion today Grace has a fully fledged fish business that is employing several women and is contributing to taxes. I wonder whether some of her friends who laughed at her at university are faring as well as she is.

Why are financial expectations important? It is because they redirect us from our current realities. Even if one is submerged in debt if he or she does not change their mindset, he might not achieve his desires. Oprah Winfrey was born in a poor family but this did not stop her from dreaming big. This explains why she is now one of the wealthiest women in the world. So many people discount their dreams and they even fear to share them with the public but history shows that it takes an idea to change our life destiny. What should stop someone from declaring that they will buy a plot of land even when they are financially struggling. The mind has power to shape our lives but most of the time we undermine our thoughts. We allow our past to define us yet we have a lot of potential to change our circumstances. 

If for example a person is in a financial mess which can happen to any of us what stops him or her from approaching a financial consultant so that they take stock of their financial lives? Did we know that the most successful people seek advice from several sources? But we have found people who are approaching retirement and they invest their retirement benefits without enough due diligence and in the end they lose it all. Before that youth invests his hard earned money in that get rich scheme what if he or she is humble enough to seek professional advice.

Financial institutions have various professionals who can provide free advice on loan management, wealth diversification but how many people spare time to seek this free advice?

In his book Secrets of a Millionaire Mind. Harv Eker noted that each person has their own financial blue print or mindset. So if we are not intentional in building the right financial mindset, we are heading for financial disaster.  Steven Covey in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People noted that everything is created twice. First in the mind and then in the physical reality. So if we are to change our financial lives must be intentional in changing our financial expectations.

The expectations that we set are a clue about what to expect in the next 10 years. Dreaming is free and no one should allow to set small goals. Did we know that Equity Bank started as a small building society in Kenya and today it is one of the biggest financial conglomerates in Africa? Did we know that Grameen Bank started as a project in Bangladesh by Professor Mohammad Yunus . So as we discount our dreams we should remember that if well nurtured they have the potential to turn our lives around. Did we know that with out clear financial expectations many people in a rush sell of their land to buy luxuries?


1.Have clear financial vision

2.Seek professional advice

3.Research before you invest

4.Join a financial master mind

5.Save as you earn

6.Invest in financial literacy

7.Live within your means

8.Have a budget.

What are your expectations? We should not allow our past and current circumstances to define us. Rather we should be defined by the potential that we have . True society may not currently see it but with determination and persistence we  have the power to manifest our aspirations.

Phillip Kiryowa

Personal Finance Coach 

Advanced Empowerment Link

+256752615916( For Consultations)


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