In a recent financial literacy training a youth asked whether he will ever achieve his financial goals. He is not alone. That is a question that runs in the mind of so many people who wake up every day to make ends meet. Though there are so many routes to financial advancement there are proven ones that have been shared by the wealthy people in this world. One of them is acknowledging that each person is valuable and can achieve their financial goals. The mind can be an instrument for good or evil. This is why financial literacy training is very critical. we are living in a generation that is fast changing. Technology has not spared the field of finances. Every day there are financial scams being reported. These people play on people's psychology well knowing that if you capture a person's dominant thoughts he or she can do what you want them to do.
In the desire to become overnight billionaires the youths have lost even the little that they have. This an age group that is risk tolerant and therefore some times they do not count the cost. Just last year there was a company that conned the public of their hard earned money . Some used their pension to "invest" in this scheme. In the end they lost it all. In investing we need to know that there is risk and it is important to research from experienced professionals before we invest. Every one wants their money to grow but then due diligence is key as we seek to invest.
In his book Secrets of a Millionaire Mind, Harv Eker noted that each person has a financial blue print. What this means is that the mind predetermines our financial outcomes. It is important that as we seek to advance our finances we pay a lot of attention to developing our mindsets Did we know that the likes of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet invest a lot of money in learning yet they are already wealthy. In contrast I have met university students who only limit their learning to the university education. There is a lot to learn in the field of finance and we should never settle.
1.Have a curious mindset
2.Believe in your own value
3.Save as you earn
4.Live within your means
5.Join a financial mastermind
6. Associate with successful people
7. Research before you invest
8.Invest in personal development
9. Celebrate your small wins
10.Think long term
Each one of us has the capacity and potential to advance their finances. It starts with the mind which in most cases is neglected. We live in a society that believes in what it sees. However Steven Covey in his book the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People noted that every thing begins in the mind. This means that financial advancement begins with the thoughts.
Phillip Kiryowa
Personal Finance Coach
Advanced Empowerment Link
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