We live in a society of self comparisons. Everyone wants to be better. This is good because that is how society develops . However in interacting with people especially university students I have realized that many times we undermine our value. We limit creativity to musicians and artists. Everyone was created in God's image and He created us to manifest our brilliance to the world. Had Thomas Edison listened to his critics perhaps we would not have seen the light bulb. It is said he failed several times. What about Dr. Ben Carson who was always the last in class and today he is a neurosurgeon. Talk about the power of persistence . Through history most people who have changed the world also had inner doubts in them but they persisted that they could make a difference. The Wright Brothers were not engineers but they had inner belief in them that they could add value to humanity.
I have met very many young people who have various ideas that can solve social challenges but they fear to step out. But then we need to be encouraged that every person has their own doubts that need to be discarded . When one reads the books of Dr. John Maxwell one realizes that he is a vulnerable as any other person. He knows that what he communicates can add value to the world and that belief and vision makes him to publish books that have blessed and impacted so many lives. In the grand scheme of things all of us matter. Unfortunately when we think that what we do only blesses a few people we shall move by fear and not faith.
To use our gifts requires us to step out of our comfort zone and to take risks more often than before. In a nation where over 70% of the population is below 30 years this message is very critical. This is because today the young generation wants a softer landing. Hard work is losing its appeal. Every thing is required in the instant. Instant jobs, instant degrees and instant foods. This is in the long run destroying our creativity. Few youths want to start from scratch and grow their businesses. However when one reads Professor Gordon Wavamunno's book The Story of An African Entrepreneur we realize that from his early childhood he was industrious and always helped his father . Today we see that he is a very successful entrepreneur.
1.Have a big vision for your life
2.Know that everything is possible
3. Associate with successful people
4. Act on your gifts and skills
5.Invest in personal development
6. Use your money wisely
7.Have a curious mindset.
Creativity is not reserved for a few. We are all unique and were created in God's image. Those who believe in their God given potential and in their ability to make a positive difference in the world will be able to leave a positive mark in the world.
Phillip Kiryowa
Personal Finance Coach
Advanced Empowerment Link