"I will not pursue my dream because society will laugh at me was a remark a certain person made recently". It got me thinking how come when were still young we had the courage to dream big ? Is the lack of ambition one of the dilemmas that is keeping our society behind? It seems a trivial matter but when you observe in society adults fear more than children. The late Dr. Myles Munroe pointed out that the wealthiest place in the world is the cemetery. This is because that is where unbuilt houses , companies reside. We tend to have so many doubts that limit our potential.
The youths who are the leaders of tomorrow and form the majority in society have been victims of the fear of failure mentality. This has made them to opt for get rich schemes. It is not surprising to find a youth pledging their property to gambling so as to make quick returns. Many youths have failed to set up projects because they are waiting for big capital to start. I interact them youths regularly through financial literacy training and I can attest to this. Many youths prefer a lot of capital to start. However when we read about entrepreneurs who have shaped the world, they did not wait for a lot of capital. They started with what they had. Peter Munga of Equity Bank identified a need of small farmers being neglected by large banks and started an intuitive. Today Equity Bank is one of the largest banks in Africa. What about Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. He saw a gap where poor farmers were neglected by big banks and he started with his own capital to assist them. Today Grameen Bank is a case study across the world.
The point is perhaps the idea that one has is potential world disrupter. Why not start small and improve it along the way. The fear of starting has killed so many potential community initiatives. We can go a long way in addressing youth unemployment by encouraging youths to start projects in a humble way.
1.Have a long term vision for your life
2.Set clear goals
3.Start small and grow big
4.Have a positive attitude
5.Associate with successful people
6.Invest in personal development
7.Experiment your ideas
8.Solve social problems
9.Read widely
10.Share your views
11.Travel widely
12. Network
13.Learn from past failures
14.Use internet to build your capacity
15.Form a Master mind
16.Develop the right mindset.
Failure seems a negative word to most adults. But Thomas Edison would not have developed the light bulb if he feared failure. Dr.Ben Carson would not have become a neurosurgeon if he feared failure. The Wright Brothers would not have invented the plane had they feared failure. So perhaps we need to redefine failure if we are to accomplish our dreams in the world.
Phillip Kiryowa
Personal Finance Coach
Advanced Empowerment Link
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