A vision refers to a clear and compelling mental picture of a desired state. It is a vivid and inspiring image of what you want to achieve or become. This is a very potent description and it is timely as we end the year. In my work as a financial literacy trainer for the last four years I have interacted with many categories of people whom I have been fortunate to learn from. There is this particular young man who attended a financial literacy training and his life transformed in an instant. From being jobless to starting farms and accessing credit from a financial institution was not a mean feat in a nation where many graduates are unemployed. The question that runs in my mind is , what enables a person who literally has no capital to succeed in the long run? Apart from luck on his side , what else can explain his or her progress?

As an avid reader of personal development books, it is a common observation that there is no book that does not talk about vision and its power to affect humanity. Vision even affects nations. Singapore is not a resource endowed nation but it is an economic giant. In particular I want to cite Dr. Dennis Kimbro's book called Think And Grow Rich : A Black Choice. In this book , he gives various examples of black Americans who came from poverty stricken backgrounds but ended up successful. These include George Washington Carver who was an American slave and read on candles. Amidst all hardships he ended up one of the most prolific inventors in America. What about Dr. Ben Carson who was always the last in class but ended up a neurosurgeon. What about Oprah Winfrey who was abused while young but she had that vision that one day she will achieve her dream.  Today she is one of the wealthiest women in the world.

We have a lot to learn from these achievers. There are several stories to learn from . Another influential example that we can learn from is the late Nelson Mandela. He was imprisoned for 27 years but ended up the president of South Africa. What has vision got to do with financial advancement? Steven Covey noted in his book The 7 Habits o Highly Effective People,  points out that every thing is created twice. First in the mind and then in physical . He made another profound principle called BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND. This seems to be neglected in today's generation. Most people want instant riches. I will never forget when I went to conduct a certain training and the trainees thought I had come with physical cash. Other youths including university students always ask if they will be given transport allowance when invited for financial literacy trainings yet they are going to be provided with knowledge that will change their lives.

So if we are to transform our nation which is endowed with resources yet its youths are frustrated with lack of jobs, there is a need for a paradigm shift. We need to nurture visionary youths who are ready to create solutions to Uganda's challenges without first considering what is in it for them. I am not denying the fact that money is important in altering our lives but the emphasis on money before adding value or solving social problems will not help us to reduce the high poverty trends in the country. I believe we need a generation of youths who form think tanks for solving nation's challenges instead of waiting for government hand outs.


1. Think long term

2.Believe you can add value to humanity

3.Surround yourself with successful people

4.Invest in personal development

5.Develop a curious mindset\

6. Solve social problems

7.Start small

8. Be grateful 

9. Learn from past mistakes

10 Have a grateful heart.

Vision is a powerful force for humanity. Unfortunately we live in a generation that prefers to first see to believe. Having read about entrepreneurs who had just ideas but left a mark on the world I strongly believe that with dedication and self belief we can alter our financial fortunes as seen above.

Phillip Kiryowa

Personal Finance Coach

Advanced Empowerment Link



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