As we come to the end of the year someone may ask, what have you achieved? Ask yourself in relation to who and what? As one asserts that they have not achieved their goals, have they made an initiative to visit Mulago hospital to see patients who are in a critical situation? People who make plans to leave home to achieve their goals only to perish in car accidents. What about people who are dying in war torn countries. Our current challenges may seem small if we are to compare them with a person who is on death row in Luzira Prisons.
As a generation we tend to be discouraged when we do not achieve the material things. But then in the grand scheme of life everything matters. The gift of life matters. The fact that yo have a job matters a great deal. The fact that you have a family is important. The fact that you can read and write matters. As we grow we realize that the things we had taken for granted matter in adult life. We need to have a grateful heart and discover that we already have more than we can imagine. We should never take for granted what we have achieved so far. In case one developed a goal of becoming a better parent or employee and they are on their way to that goal is good enough. Stephen Covey said in his book the 7 Habits of Highly Effective people that leaders always begin with the end in mind. The fact that we have not yet achieved the real goal does not make us "failures". The trying is the most important part. We are all on a journey and on different phases of life. Your own definition of success is what is critical. We might be the reason why someone is waking up every day without their notice. We all influence people in one way or another. The key question is , how are we influencing the world? Are we influencing it positively or negatively?
1.It starts with a personal relationship with God
2.Think long term
3.Develop a positive attitude
4.Act on your goals
5.Celebrate little or small wins
6.Avoid self comparisons
7.Get a coach or mentor
8.Invest in personal growth
9.Avoid self criticism
10.Develop personal discipline.
Life is tough. That is a fact and we can not avoid it. Even the president of United States of America has numerous problems. As we end the year some may be disillusioned because they have not achieved their set goals. In the coaching class I was reminded to always focus on the process. Appreciate the little progress we are making. It matters as discussed above.
Phillip Kiryowa
Personal Finance Coach(CPC)
Advanced Empowerment Link
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