We are all on different levels on our financial journeys. I witness it in the financial literacy trainings that I conduct. In fact no body knows it all when it comes to finances. This means that money is an equalizer. Even the wealthiest people require financial advice. This means if we are to advance financially we require the spirit of persistence. Sometimes our financial advancement is hidden in a books that we have refused to buy. Some times the step your next level of finance in the mentorship we have refused to embrace. The blog that we normally desist from reading may be our game changer. That is how life is. It responds to those who know what they want and pursue it with all the resolve. No situation is beyond redemption. Sometimes a person who is in a financial crisis just requires a word of hope. I have in most times used words of hope and encouragement in the financial literacy trainings and I have seen people speak with confidence and resolve to become better. Willey Jolly who is an American motivational speaker said that it takes a minute to change your life. It is in the moment of decisions that life is changed. There is a big correlation between our attitude and our fight for financial advancement. We can alter our financial landscapes by seeking to focus on the positive. This is beyond motivational speaking and we are speaking life.
I have spoken to university students and told them that the world has changed drastically and requires a different game plan. Just because one is still a student should not stop him or her from opening a bank account. Any amount of money saved is better than not saving at all. Some youths ignore financial literacy but university is a place that shapes one before the real life of work. Some youths such as university students who are on government sponsorship can save a portion of the money and start small enterprises such as Rolex stalls. Being a university student should not be an excuse for a person not to engage in real life issues. This is because life is shaped at university. The youths should know that they have the power to change their lives and Iam very optimistic because I have witnessed it in a number of them that I mentor. But there are some youths who think that they do not need mentorship and they avoid it. All the successful people who have made a positive mark in the world had mentors.
There is a story of a young girl called Grace Nanyonga who continues to inspire many by her story of resilience. She found it tough at university due to lack of school fees and she started selling fish at that young age. Students used to laugh at her but due to resilience she persisted and she built a brand around fish. Today she is a famous entrepreneur who is employing others because of her expertise and passion for fees. The issue for the youths is some times pride has to be set aside and focus on the clear vision. What the youth need today is not the message of get rich schemes some of which have conned the public of their hard earned money( a case in point is a company that closed last year after taking billions from unsuspecting public). Since the youths account for over70% of the population, the message of resilience is very key. As we head for the festive seasons there will be calls for spending beyond usual limits and sometimes it is peer pressure but remember having a clear financial vision.
1.Have a clear financial vision
2.Save as you earn
3.Live with in your means
4.Attend financial literacy trainings
5. Track your expenses
6.Develop a positive attitude
7.Seek financial mentorship
8.Open an account in a regulated financial institution
9. Spend with a budget
10.Research before you invest.
The journey to financial advancement is tough and unique to everyone. Some give up when it becomes tough. Others become discouraged when there friends or peers are ahead of them. One thing I know is that everyone's situation can change with the right effort, determination and persistence. For as long as we are alive we can achieve our financial dreams. If others have achieved theirs why not us?
Phillip Kiryowa
Personal Finance Coach
Advanced Empowerment Link
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