Life is tough. So many times we set big goals but achieving them is an uphill task. The hope we have is that for as long as we are alive we can achieve any goal we set. However we must be intrinsically motivated to achieve it. In his book Think and Grow Rich : A Black choice, Dr. Dennis Kimbro gave countless examples of black Americans who were born in poor families but this did not stop them from achieving extraordinary feats in their lives. A case in point was Dr. Washington Carver who was born to slaves and he had to read on a candle. This did not stop him from becoming one of the greatest inventors during his time. What about Thomas Edison who failed several times but did not stop while inventing a light bulb.
As a financial literacy trainer I get a chance of speaking to so many youths in groups across the country. But I realize that some of them do not believe in their dreams. Others fear approaching banks. Others fear to save simply because they are students. But regardless of any situation we can all better or improve our lives in all dimensions. But this starts with shaping our mindsets. Some people wait for physical cash to start a business. But great empires start in the mind. This has been proved throughout history. The advice to the dear reader is that some times our preparation will not be known by society but let us keep preparing. Warren Buffet started researching about stocks when he was young but today he is one of the world's wealthiest people.
In his book Secrets Of A Millionaire Mind, Harv Eker noted that rich and successful people think long term. Thinking long-term does not mean one will be immune from challenges. It simply means that they will not upset us from pursuing our grand goals. This is the message that today's generation requires. We have been duped by get rich schemes that promise instant and abnormal profits. But in most cases we find out that it was false when it is late. Becoming a billionaire can not be a sprint. It requires a commitment to long term development.
1.Have a long term perspective to funds
2.Save as you earn
3.Attend financial literacy trainings
4.Have a financial mentor
5. Live within your means
6.Have an emergency fund
7.Research before you invest
8.Have a positive attitude.
John Maxwell noted that attitude determines altitude. It means if we are to achieve our financial goals we need to be enthusiastic towards our dreams. It will not be easy but we must resolve to pursue them with focus and enthusiasm. If others can we too can make it.
Phillip Kiryowa
Personal Finance Coach
Advanced Empowerment Link
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