Have you ever been on internet searching for a solution and you are not finding it. That is exactly what happens when we decide to discount our voices. Someone out there may be secretly searching for your piece of advice without your knowledge ( the power of internet). Imagine a world without books ( we might have failed our exams). Fear is one of the most important destroyers of destinies. One may want to write an article but doubt their capacity and end up not writing it.
God created each one of us with a unique voice and purpose. No one will ever fulfil it for us. Throughout history change has been ignited by few and committed people. I read in Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins that Rosa Parks refused to get off her seat as a black woman. Little did she know that her act of bravery would ignite a revolution that changed the history of the black race. No one is too insignificant to make a difference in their communities. There are so many youths who have a lot of potential but they fear to speak. There are people who have failed to get loans simply because they fear to express themselves. Who can vote a politician who can not voice their opinions? What would have been the fate of South Africa if Nelson Mandela feared to speak his mind?
We can all make a difference in the world if we cared to express ourselves confidently and if we focus on adding value to the world.
1.Believe that your opinion matters
2.Avoid self comparisons
3.Do not wait
4.Have a role model
5.Attend a public speaking course
6.Love yourself
7.Do not underestimate your potential
8.Find a cause worth fighting for.
Your voice matters. The world is waiting for your solutions. It is time to voice your opinions. You matter.
Phillip Kiryowa
Finance and Leadership Coach(PCC)
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