I met a certain graduate who told me that he has no hopes of finding a job. That is a serious statement from a person and it can not be taken for granted. It is true that jobs are scarce in today's rapidly changing society where we have over 50 universities producing over 300,000 graduates per year yet the number of jobs are about 70,000.
The major emphasis of this article is to attempt to discuss how the issue of potential is abused in our society. In most prisons there are many young men that have been imprisoned for defilement and other crimes. Due to ignorance of their potential a number of youths waste away their lives in unproductive ventures. Dr. Myles Munroe noted that with ignorance of potential purpose is abused. I have met a number of graduates who have little faith in their education or transcripts. In fact some "curse" the courses they pursued and the universities that they went to. In his book After University What Next, Ambrose Kibuuka challenges the reader to cross examine their education. Could it be that one studies a wrong course or he or she fails to interpret the meaning of a course in today's fast changing world? Why is it that a student may graduate with a first class in business Administration and fear to set up a retail shop but is waiting to get a job in one of the leading companies? Why would a graduate refuse to volunteer and prefer to stay at home and watch television? Why would a university student opt to gamble school fees yet he or she knows that the degree is the pass word to the employment world? Why would a youth divert funds meant for business into unplanned ventures?
The above questions are meant to trigger us to reflect on whether as a society we fully comprehend the implication of potential . We are living in a society where many youths have sold off land in the village to come to Kampala to buy Boda Bodas instead of investing in agriculture . The desire for instant wealth has made many become victims of well orchestrated schemes that are meant to defraud the public. We live in a society where bus drivers and boda boda riders have caused many fatal accidents simply because of the failure to obey rules. We live in a society where drug abuse among the youths is on the rise without them thinking of the long term negative consequences. As a financial literacy trainer I find it awkward to invite a youth for financial literacy training and they do not turn up yet these same youths will create time to watch premier league matches and even pay the entrance fees.
So we need to give attention to potential. In a nation where over 70% of the population is below 30 years it is necessary to guide the young people into responsible citizens. All the leaders that have transformed the world were mentored from childhood. We can not have a peaceful and productive nation when the youths are left unguided. We can all do something to change the trajectory of events. By security forces rounding up the youths and imprisoning them is not enough. It is treating a tragedy with panadol instead of finding real and lasting solutions.
1.Have a personal relationship with God.
2.Purpose discovery starts from home
3.Get a mentor or coach
4.Have a clear vision
5.Invest in life long learning
6.Creation of community libraries
7.Serve humanity with your skills
8.Build your confidence
9.Practice your skills
10.Invest in ICT
11.Belive in your dream
12.Associate with successful people
13. Celebrate your milestones
Potential is very important but it seems misused and misunderstood in most parts of our society. We live in an era of "what is in it for me" and instant riches. It is not a surprise that negative news moves faster in society than positive news. We need to recheck ourselves as discussed above.
Phillip Kiryowa
Finance and Leadership Coach(PCC)
For Financial Freedom and Sustainable Businesses
Reach out for advice on the above number especially the youths
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