Uganda is officially a country full of young people. That is both good and bad news. It is good news because young people are characterized by drive and energy. The youthful age is the most productive in a person's life. While the country celebrates its young people, development partners such as the private sector and government are doing their best to overcome the unemployment dilemma. The government has crafted various programmes aimed at addressing the unemployment among the youth. This includes the Parish Development Model and changing of the education system to a competency based system.
Despite the progress in addressing the youth unemployment challenge, there are still many hurdles being faced. This includes the high numbers of graduates per year from various universities competing for the limited number of jobs. It is said that universities produce over 300,000 graduates per year and these have to compete for about 70,000 jobs in the formal sector. The fact that also our education system was skewed mainly towards producing job seekers than job creators for years means it will not be an overnight achievement to change the predominant thoughts.
It is good to dream. The ideal of every university graduate is to get a ready job and achieve their dreams after over 20 years in school. However after putting off the gown the reality sets in of looking for the "dream job". This is where graduates need assistance in a world that is rapidly changing due to globalization and technology. So many youths are losing hope and focusing their mindset on the greener pastures especially to go to the Middle East. But is it a permanent solution for an increasing social dilemma? What else can be done to enable the youths to become agents of positive transformation? The increase of cases of crime in a country that was previously secure needs redress. Today we see many videos of youths beating up people to take their phones is a situation that requires urgent attention. A short term measure of security forces arresting such people is not enough. A structural solution is required. In 2023 on the news I saw a group of youth on a certain media station who wanted to beat up officials of a sports betting company for failing to pay their "dividends" after their "investment". This is a signal of the underlying challenges of youth unemployment.
1.Mindset change programs are key
2. Youth mentorship at all levels
3.Discipline starts at home
4.Technology training for youths
5.Voctional and technical education training
6.Patient capital for youth entrepreneurs
7.Financial literacy trainings
8.Leadership development trainings for youths
9.Exposure visits
10. Consistent dialogues about the dilemmas of youths
Uganda has very many young people. They face many dilemmas especially when it comes to accessing dignified employment opportunities. It is possible for every youth to be employed if collaborative efforts among all stakeholders are intensified as discussed above.
Phillip Kiryowa
Finance and Leadership Coach
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