Life is tough. Even the president of the United States of America knows it. Despite the fact that life is tough there are people who do not believe in defeat. I have met university graduates who have given up on their dreams simply because they have not yet found their dream jobs. It is said that attitude determines altitude. It is said that winners never quit and quitters never win. We are living in a generation that quits when the going gets tough. So many youths have succumbed to peer pressure simply because they want to blend in.
I met a group of youths who said they do not believe in messages where they are advised that a person can begin with limited capital and grow big. This is a dangerous mentality because it is breeding a generation of lazy youths who will prefer handouts instead of hard work. It is said that Uganda has plenty of opportunities but many citizens do not see them. The Chinese and Indians come and see opportunities that the natives are not seeing.
Impossible is a word for quitters. The Wright brothers were not engineers but they were fueled by their vision for an aeroplane. The rest is history. Thomas Edison who initiated the electric bulb failed several times but he never quit. It is easier to quit today than in the past. Dr. Myles Munroe noted that the cemetery is the richest place because that is where unbuilt schools and companies reside.
1.Have a long term vision
2.Set clear goals
3.Associate with successful people
4.Develop a positive attitude
5.Act on your goals
6.Learn from mistakes
7.Embrace life long learning
8.Be humble
9. Be persistent
10 .Embrace change
Life is tough. The most successful people fail so often .However they learn from mistakes and seek to become better than they were yesterday.
Phillip Kiryowa
Finance and Leadership Coach
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