Life is tough and it does not spare any one from challenges. Even the president of the United States of America has numerous challenges. What is the differentiator between those who overcome challenges and those who become subdued? It seems attitude plays a big role. With the right attitude we can turn problems into opportunities. How come Indians and Chinese come to Africa and see opportunities yet for us the natives most of the time we focus on the problems.( This is not to mean that every African focuses on problems)
As a person who speaks to numerous youths who form the majority of this country(over 70% are below the age of 30 years), I have made an observation that very many youths prefer instant wealth. They prefer to be handed cash than to learn the process of getting the cash. There seems to be a dislike to long term processes in society. That is why we see an increase in crime where some ill intentioned youths gang up to terrorize the population. The youths can turn into a blessing if they are nurtured into agents of positive transformation. The youths can not guide themselves. If they do they will resort to the path of least resistance which is characterized by drugs and immorality. Since the youths are the majority in the nation there should be intentional efforts to mentor them into agents of positive socio economic transformation. Within each youth is a possible world changer and we should do all it takes to enable them to realize their full potential before it is too late.
1.It begins with drawing their attention to God.
2.Mentorship is key.
3.Investing in life long learning
4.Intentional parenting
5.Establishment of community libraries
6.Religious institutions should do community outreaches
7.Investing in financial literacy training
8.Inspiring hope among the youths.
The youths hold the future of this country. They form the majority. If they are left to take the path of least resistance Uganda is in trouble. As discussed above with the right guidance the youths can become agents of positive transformation.
Phillip Kiryowa
Finance and Leadership Coach
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