Ask any graduate what their worst night mare is and they will inform you that lack of access to a dignified employment opportunity is a big hurdle. Over 70% of Ugandans are below the age of 30 years of age. There are very many reasons why the unemployment rate needs to be addressed. Uganda has over 30 universities and all universities graduate over 300,000 graduates per year yet the formal sector produces on average 70,000 jobs. This mismatch is an indicator of the frustrations that the young people face. It was on media last year when I saw a group of able bodied youths who wanted to beat up staff of a sports betting company for failing to pay for their "Return on Investment" in Bugiri District. Iam not saying that all youths are involved in crime .What am trying to point out is that the probability of a youth without a job being involved in crime is high( after all there is a saying that an idle mind is a devil's workshop). Just this year there was youth who was killed for murdering a prominent business person in his nation. These days people fear moving at night because criminals use iron bars to hit innocent people to snatch their phones and valuable property. Such crimes are likely to increase if there is no urgent attention given to the youth unemployment dilemma.

Despite the above negative state of affairs, all hope is not lost. This is because there is a group of positive minded youths who have chosen to use challenges as opportunities. We need to know that Uganda is one of the most entrepreneurial countries in the world. This is a trait that we need to nurture so as to change the narrative of youth unemployment. The youths must choose to become the light in a dark world. This calls for a paradigm shift. Good enough the education authorities have long discovered that our education system was taking us to a wrong direction. There are reforms being made so as to enable the youths to become proactive in job creation and social economic transformation. I realized that international schools impart creativity skills into a child while they are still young and by the time they graduate they already have a business. Unfortunately in our current education system we celebrate passing exams yet the real world acknowledges practical achievements such as number of problems that have been solved in society.

It was after reading Ambrose Mukiibi's book After University What Next that I realized that our education system required an overhaul. This is because creativity is diminished as the emphasis is placed on passing exams. Amidst this state of affairs there are youths who have focused on adding value on their potential and building their leadership skills and these are the leaders who will drive Uganda's economy forward.


1. Upgrading of Uganda's education system so as to match with the fast changing world. This will make Uganda's youth more productive.

2. Mentorship programs for youths so that they can be guided to become responsible citizens . I have met so many youths who put their hope in gambling as a means of survival( The question is ,how sustainable is this practice?)

3.Collaboration must be encouraged among the youths. Right from Primary school students are encouraged to compete. This same behavior goes on up to university and after graduation students realize that in real life it is collaboration that matters. So many youths have missed out opportunities because of living in isolation.

4. Financial literacy programs should be intensified so that youths can benefit in how to manage personal and business finances. Also access to funding opportunities such as with banks should be shared. 

5.Youths should be enabled to start investment clubs, Community Based Organizations, Savings and credit Cooperative Societies and Village Savings and Loans Associations. These can help them to pool resources and build leadership skills

All hope is not lost despite the high levels of unemployment. As discussed above very many youths are thriving on despite the obstacles. With combined efforts among development partners the narrative can be changed.

Phillip Kiryowa

Finance and Leadership Coach



  1. This is a very good move but it would be more better if a program is put in place to reach out to youths on ground to impart them with knowledge, youths are ready to work but they lack skills and more so knowledge


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