Every one wants big accomplishments .It is in our natural DNA. The question is, did every successful person start big? Did Oprah Winfrey start in a big way? Did the Wright Brothers start in a big way? Did Apple computer start in a big way? Did Equity Bank start big? It seems the power of starting small needs to be given attention in today's fast moving or changing generation.
We are living in a generation that seems to be fascinated by the glamor and pomp without appreciating or learning from the process of " becoming". Last year I saw on the news a candidate being arrested for attempting to cheat national exams. This year there is a suspected witch doctor who was arrested for murdering two innocent children in Kiboga District. This is also linked to the desire for instant wealth.
The fast paced nature of change is doing us good as society if used in a positive way but we are also at crossroads. In the New Vision there was an article about how lecturers are struggling to catch up with Artificial Intelligence(AI). This is because some students no longer want to put in critical thinking in their academic work. They want instant results. Relatedly I listened to a group of youth who noted that they do not believe in stories where it is said that most successful business people started small. What is the danger with this notion. We are bound to create a generation of leaders who want to circumvent the natural laws of success. It many explain why some youths are disinterested in capacity building seminars that are meant to enhance their skills for wealth creation. It has led to a generation that prefers to sell of their land and buy boda bodas as a way of survival. It has led to a generation where some able bodied youths prefer to discuss sports during working hours instead of discussing developmental ideas .It has encouraged the youths to invest in get rich schemes as a way of making instant returns. In fact last year there was a company that collapsed and vanished with many peoples' money after promising them with "abnormal profits".
1.It gives a person time to test their idea.
2.It is less costly
3.One gains experience
4.It leads to flexibility and experimentation
This article is not meant to discourage starting big. However it dissects the dangers of ignoring humble beginnings yet capital is a very scarce in today's world. The increasing unemployment especially among the youths can only be addressed through encouraging youths to start with what they have and then expand as advocated above.
Phillip Kiryowa
Finance and Leadership Coach
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