It is the dream of every graduate to get their dream job. They invest a lot of time and money at university and the befitting gift to a young person who has toiled to get a befitting job. A youth with a job will be productive and can create so many other opportunities that can benefit humanity. Imagine what would have happened if the founders of Equity Bank did not establish it. Equity Bank has over 15 million customers in over 6 countries. This means there is power in every thought. Dr. Dennis Kimbro noted in his book, Think And Grow Rich: A Black Choice that thoughts have power. He noted that many black Americans such as Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Ben Carson were not born in very well to do families but due to conviction and determination they curved their path in a competitive world.
We are privileged to be alive at this time and we can make a positive difference in our generation. Does this require money? To some extent yes and to another no. Purpose discovery is one of the greatest gifts to any person. Many of us are locked in self imposed prisons because we are not aware of our God given purpose. Those youths who attack innocent people and grab their valuable property are unaware of their purpose. A student with the right mindset and purpose is likely to become a national asset. We have so many examples in society.
As a person who has been in the corporate space for some good years I can give a point of advice to any youth or graduate that they should not lose hope. With a clear purpose and right guidance any person can get a job of their choice. Despite the absence of jobs there is a set of individuals who are just out sourced even before graduating. Why is this the case? It is because they mastered the art of personal discovery. This information is so critical especially in the competitive world of globalization.
The youths should develop their leadership skills and must develop a coachable spirit if they are to overcome unemployment. There are some youths who are unwilling to be coached and end up jobless. The other big challenge with some youths is their attitude to work. They prefer quick gains over earning valuable experience . No storied building that is built hurriedly will stand the test of time . It is only those youths who have a long term vision for their lives that will get or create jobs.
1.Develop a clear purpose for your life
2.Associate with successful people
3.Acquire a mentor or coach
4.Join Associations
5.Volunteer for opportunities
5.Have a positive attitude
6.Have a long term attitude to life
7.Read news papers
8.Have role models
9.Be disciplined
10.Study the company that you wish to work for
11.Embrace life long learning
12.Share knowledge
13.Be digitally active
14. Never give up on your dreams
15. Learn from your peers
It is the desire of every young person to get a dream job. I relate with them every day. Some even fear to ask. Brian Tracy noted that doubt and fear are the greatest enemies to personal success. No one can achieve their success when they are doubtful and fear to approach their dream.
Phillip Kiryowa
Finance and Leadership Coach
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