"I do not have money so Iam not wealthy is a remark a certain youth made in relation to his circumstances". As a financial literacy trainer I have the opportunity of relating with so many youths and each of them has their own financial blue prints. In a nation where over 70% of the population is below 30 years, the subject of wealth creation is very vital. Without adequate finances life becomes tough. Most of  the crimes are related to finance . Recently a youth was killed by a mob for killing a prominent businessman in town. Also so many youths steal people's phones in order to make a living. This means there are many routes to wealth creation.

What I want to dwell on is the concept of invisible wealth which seems to be neglected by the current generation. Stephen Covey in his book ,The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People notes that every thing is created twice ,first in the mind and then in the physical. We live in a generation that focuses on the physical. Many youths have mind blowing ideas but they do not implement them simply because they are waiting for capital(cash). In fact Dr. Myles Munroe noted that the wealthiest place in the world are not the gold mines but the cemetery where all unbuilt companies reside. 

We need to challenge today's generation that money is an important currency in business creation but it is not the only ingredient for business growth. A business is like a human body and it has many aspects to it that need development such as a business plan and human resource . Part of the reason why there is a high rate of youth unemployment in Uganda is because  the youths who form the majority of the population are waiting for government to create jobs. The youths must be encouraged to take up their space and believe in their God given potential that they can make things happen.

A close analysis of some of the leading companies such as Apple and Coca Cola shows that they began as ideas and today they are multinational companies employing thousands of people and contributing to social economic development of the world. With in each one of us there resides so many ideas that can change the world. We need to change the narrative by encouraging the population to appreciate the benefits of beginning small and gradually expanding.


1. Power of vision : Vision is what sets dreamers apart .A close analysis of leaders who have shaped this world shows that some began with almost no capital. They believed in the power of their dreams. A case in point was mother Teresa. She did not wait for billions of shillings to begin her ministry.

2.Power of long term thinking .Brian Tracy in his book the 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success notes that successful people think long term. The key question to any leader is whether they have short term, medium term and long term goals.

3.Power of association. I have asked many youths to inform me which groups they belong to and some of them admit that they do not belong to any group. The question we should ask is how come the leading businessmen in town belong to Kwagalana Group. How come they do not act independently?

Intrinsic wealth is very important to understand. This is because we live in the world that is obsessed by material possessions at the detriment of inner potential. In a nation that is full of young and vibrant youths they should be guided and mentored to maximize their potential instead of waiting for handouts.

Phillip Kiryowa

Finance and Leadership Coach



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