

 As  a Certified Transformational Coach I have observed and interacted with so many youths who tend to limit their potential due to self comparison. They focus on what others have achieved instead of learning from the process of success. In coaching we are trained that each person has an infinite potential and due to lack of awareness they are unable to draw it out. I have focused on going to schools to speak to students especially candidate classes and what I focus on working on is the mindset. I strongly believe that our biggest enemy to progress is the mindset because of the so many limiting beliefs that bombard us . Africa has a lot of potential and it is evident after all the researches that have been conducted. What is lacking is a focus on enhancing the power of human potential. When one reads Think And Grow Rich: A Black Choice by Dr. Dennis Kimbro , he or she is motivated to understand that there is no limit to what a person can achieve. Oprah Winfrey was born in a poor famil


 I met a youth who admired Christiano Ronaldo and he knew facts about him. This was noble because it is a good trait to recognize and appreciate successful people. The question I posed to him was whether he knew his strengths and how they could add value to the world. He could not give definite answers. It happens a lot especially in Africa where many people (not all) are very quick to spotlight other peoples' achievements and quickly diminish their individual value. This is not to promote bragging but to instill a sense of personal worth and value into ourselves. Encouragement is a trait needed by every living human. That is why we have seen suicides because may be some people were not encouraged beyond their present circumstances. Each and every person has unique gifts that can add value to the world. Unfortunately due to lack of mentorship and personal discovery a number of youths are unable to correctly define their unique attributes. In the end they prefer to succumb to peer


 The road to where I stay is under construction. It is messy especially when it rains. No one loves that experience and motorists normally look for alternative routes to avoid the inconvenience. What lessons do we pick from this in relation to success in life? Every one wishes to succeed in the various dimensions of our lives, how ever the process requires patience and determination. In his book Think And Grow Rich: A Black Choice, Dr. Dennis Kimbro gives examples of so many black Americans who rose from poverty to become world influencers. These include Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Ben Carson. How did Dr. Ben Carson become a famous neurosurgeon? In his book Think Big, Dr. Ben Carson notes that he used to be the last in class. It took the mother's intervention for him to improve his grades. From then  on he started to top the class until he became a famous neurosurgeon. In today's world we tend to focus on the top rather than building the road to success. As a financial literacy trai


 It is the joy of every student to graduate from university. I have seen some graduates who expressed their joy by holding parties ( which is a good thing because it is not a mean achievement). However after the graduation what next. There are some lucky graduates who go ahead and acquire jobs but it is not a very big number. For the rest they face life as it comes. Uganda has over 30 universities and they all graduate students in the same market place. The job economy produces about 70,000 formal jobs per year amidst over 300,000 graduates. In his informative book After University What Next,  Ambrose Mukiibi challenges Uganda's graduates to dig deep into the nature of their degrees. The graduates have placed a lot of faith in the academic transcript as a measure of their potential and success. But it seems the real world judges our success differently. Any student will not be asked the marks that he scored in the interview room but rather they will be asked how they used the knowl


 The question why are some people more successful than others has been asked for centuries. There are various views and perspectives towards it. Several books have been written and various opinions offered towards this intriguing question. One of the core reasons given towards living a purposeful life is having a clear sense of direction. Brian Tracy in his book The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success noted that successful people think long term. John Maxwell in his book The 15 invaluable Laws of Growth noted that growth is a choice . This is supported by Dr. Myles Munroe . A few months a go a youth was killed by a mob for murdering a prominent businessman. A suspected witch doctor was arrested for murdering two innocent children in Kiboga District. A mother was arrested for dumping a child in a pit latrine in Kayunga District. All these examples point to the abuse of purpose. A case study of a leader who had a clear sense of direction was Nelson Mandela who was impri


 The government has a budget, what about an individual? We live in a society that wants to become wealthy. However there are some virtues that we take for granted. These include planning for our personal funds. Financial literacy gurus have noted that personal financial management precedes successful wealth creation. However I have met youths who say that they will plan for their money when they get a formal job. This means that they undermine little coins.  The small coins when added up constitute the desired amount. However one can never accumulate money when they despise the small coins. A budget enables one to forecast their income and expenditure for a certain period. Come to think of it if a country such as the United States of America has a budget that means that we should pick a leaf and develop budget for our own lives. Some parents have made it worse for children by buying them every thing that they want. Such children can not appreciate that money is a scarce resource. A bud


 We live in a money economy and money almost defines everything. From accessing quality health care to good education we need money to survive. There are even places where youths will not allow a person to pass if they are not given money. On the news I saw a group of able bodied youths who wanted to beat up staff of a sports betting company in Busia District for refusing to give them their " return on investment ." As a financial literacy practitioner on a daily Iam asked by the youths( who form the majority in the country, over 70% of the population is below 30 years ) what they can do to get a well paying job? This is a very pertinent question because with the high cost of living it becomes difficult to make ends meet. This explains why it is a taboo to pick up your phone in a taxi(you may not like the consequences). The increase in crime is some how related to the high rate of unemployment among the youths. Amidst the absence of jobs, there is an emerging pattern that req